The Best Ministry Moment Yet


Last night was one of the most rewarding ministry moments of my entire life.
This past weekend we took a group of over 30 people (mostly youth ages 14-27) to a retreat/conference with the new church we are helping to plant and minister in.
To be completely honest, the weekend started off slightly uncomfortable, with much of the ministry being something I’m not used to.
I think what changed it for me was seeing the youth we brought having encounters with the Lord that were ROCKING their world.
Youth that were either new Christians or not Christians at all.
Youth that were using drugs every day,
youth who worked with a gang,
youth who had been abused by their family,
youth who had so much hate and resentment in their hearts,
youth who are desperately searching for love in all the wrong places.
They came back changed in a way I have never seen before in my entire life, and I’ve been going to church since I was a baby.

Everyone says, and the truth is that it usually happens: That people, and especially youth, will come back from a retreat on a spiritual high, and it won’t last. They’ll just go back to the same habits and life they were living before.

I chose and am choosing every day to believe and pray that this will not happen with our new warriors.

Last night we had our first church service since coming back from the retreat.
Our usual attendance is never more than 20 people on a good night, and Mario’s family makes up the majority.
Last night we had over 50 people attend.
And they weren’t people that had just heard about our church…they were family, friends, acquaintances, and neighbors of all the youth that went on the retreat.
They brought their mothers who at one time had said they don’t love them, their siblings that they had denied for years, their children who had never seen the inside of a church building, and their neighbors that they had gossiped about and laughed at.

Their faces are changed. There’s an actual physical change in their appearances and the way they carry themselves.
They couldn’t stop smiling, the mouths were full of AMENs and GOD BLESS YOUs.
They had been watching the whole retreat how the leaders would be the first to lay hands on those who need prayers, the first ones to start singing and lifting their hands up to heaven, the first to help and support the pastor with whatever the Lord put on his heart.
As the message ended and we entered into a time of worship and prayer, and an invitation to be a part of this revolution, our warriors took on their new roles without anyone telling them what to do. They worshiped the Lord with all their hearts but kept an eye on the others, scurrying over to someone who was crying to lift their hands up and pray blessings over their soul.

I was humbled beyond words. Youth that I, before, would have never even dreamed about even inviting to church stood in front of the congregation and told their testimonies of how God changed their hearts. In front of everyone they asked their families to forgive them, they asked to be held accountable to not return to their past, and they declared their commitments to the Lord.
They cried as their siblings that they had invited stepped forward and accepted the challenge of living for Christ.

It was incredible.

Afterward, the pastor got the youth together and we went to three houses to pray for families that the Lord had put on the pastor’s heart. That was a whole OTHER experience.
These youth were not all friends before the retreat. Some of them were even enemies. They had some serious beef with each other.
But the last day of the retreat, and from then on, that hate and resentment was banished from our group.
Walking down the roads of Porvenir, everyone was holding hands, and telling each other I LOVE YOU and I CARE ABOUT YOU and WHAT’S WRONG and WE’LL PRAY ABOUT THAT!
After prayer, we had a meeting and the pastor explained what the next few weeks would look like.
We are so passionate that this fire will not be put out.
These warriors have their schedule, their jobs, and their responsibilities. I truly think structure and taking ownership will be the keys to not losing the “spiritual high”.


More than ever these guys need prayers. God took them out of some HEAVY stuff, and it could be so easy to return.
If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time, you know that although many things become more easier after letting God take control of your life, the devil comes in SO strong to tempt and destroy and take back what he thinks is his.

Help me in proclaiming DELIVERANCE and REDEMPTION over these new lives and for the Holy Spirit to transform their minds and old ways of thinking.
Pray for their unity, and for the direction the group should go in.

Pray for our church building! The one we don’t have yet!
Right now we’re meeting at Mario’s house, and we don’t fit anymore. There aren’t enough chairs or space.
We’re looking at a couple of properties, but we also need the Lord to provide the funds.

You guys.
I am SO HONORED to be part of something so extraordinary.

Thank you thank you thank you for helping me with your prayers and financial support to be able to live here and experience the Kingdom of God in new ways every single day!



Subscribe to Haille’s Honduras e-mail updates

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes

Where’s The Line?

I’m curious to get the opinion of other missionaries in foreign countries. Or really anyone, but I think that certain group of people will understand a little better this whole thought process.


As we all know, moving to a different country and settling into a new lifestyle brings BIG changes. You’re adapting to a different culture, learning a new language, and meeting tons of people with their own attitudes and ideas.

The biggest change is learning how some things that work in the US (or wherever you’re from), things you’ve used your entire life…they may not be what’s best for the new culture you’re living in!
This is a very important lesson to learn, and crucial if you’re earnestly seeking to integrate yourself into your new environment.

When it comes to ministry, I really believe in partnering with local churches and missions – learning from them and using their influence in the area to introduce yourself into the community. I just think it’s so essential to glean wisdom from local pastors, leaders, and church members about how this particular culture views Christianity, missionaries, worship, evangelism….and where they stand as far as rules and boundaries.

Now, hang on with me as I go on a little tangent:

I am 100% on board and completely agree with the opinion that, once we make the decision to use our lives to glorify God, we give up certain aspects of our personal pleasure. Life isn’t about ME ME ME anymore. God wants joy to fill my soul and for me to take pleasure in the world He’s created for me, but He is also sure of the fact that He is the provider of that joy. I can pour out all day long, give everything I have, choose compassion over being right…I can do all these things through Christ who strengthens me. He is the secret to being content. There is a lot of selfishness that needs to be sacrificed if I want to experience true joy. I need to give up temporary happiness to settle into the contentedness of true joy that is found in God alone.

That all being said, there are certain things that bring me happiness that I don’t personally feel are wrong. For example, after moving to Central America, I found out that I LOVE, but I mean absolutely LOVE Latin dancing. It’s a great challenge, good exercise, and it’s SO. MUCH. FUN. Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cumbia, Lambada…I want to learn it all!

However, in the majority of churches and Christian communities here, dancing (unless it’s Praise/Worship dance) is a sin.

Katlyn and I have made a lot of compromises here in Porvenir in regards to our personal lives. Since we are starting a brand new Christian ministry, we want to make sure we get off on the right foot in this town. We want respect and credibility, and that comes with the people here seeing with their own eyes that we are being good examples and being who we say we are.
We know that when we chose this direction for our lives, that meant giving up a lot of our right to doing what we want, when we want, how we want.
In this particular culture, it means no drinking, no dancing, no secular music, and paying close attention to the way we dress, among a few other things.
Our image is one of the biggest tools we have to incite partnership, help, and support for our ministry.

I’m not going to lie, it is HARD sometimes, and we are by no means perfect. There are things we are used to being acceptable in the States that just are not and have never been here in Honduras.

However, the RULES and REGULATIONS in the churches here are sometimes waaayyy out there. Not to mention that, basically, if you commit any of these “sins”, you’re not actually a Christian, and many times you’re shunned in your church. Guidelines that the Lord put in place to help us experience the goodness of a pure and holy life have turned into heavy, heavy chains that weigh many people down. These chains scare off a good amount of people who really need a Savior that they can trust implicitly and who will love them unconditionally. They make good people feel like failures, and turn kind people into judgmental pharisees with hearts of stone.

This is a whole other issue that desperately needs prayer and change, but that’s another topic for another day.

What I am trying to get at is that there are positives and negatives to every church and every culture’s individual views on Christianity. So where do we as missionaries in a different culture draw the line between:

– respecting and learning from this new culture’s Christian community while also maintaining a good image so that we have credibility in our ministry.


– speaking our minds about our personal beliefs, trying to fight against the chains of legalism.
Compassionately sharing our hearts and what the Lord has taught us about His grace and mercy.
Doing things that may be against the “rules” but is something you don’t feel personally convicted by and isn’t a sin in the Bible, to try and promote freedom in the Lord.

Will it make a difference even if you have all the right scriptures and proof to prove your point?
Is it worth it to shut up about your personal beliefs if it means the churches respecting you more?
When is it wise to pick and choose battles?

I know there is a happy medium out there.
Like I said, Katlyn and I have been trying to be really cautious in our actions and words, and have chosen to give some things up in order to stop gossip and be respected.
Sometimes it drives me crazy when I want to explain stuff like….how music for me is a spiritual thing, whether it’s blatantly talking about the Lord or not.

I hope I’m somewhat clearly getting across this conflict I’ve been feeling in my heart lately.

I truly am content here, I love this life, but every big change takes getting used to, it doesn’t happen overnight, and I don’t think I will understand everything even after years of living here.
I’m just praying for wisdom for each day that comes.
What can I do in each moment so that my life is a good example of a great God?

I think there is only so much that one person can do about their image until they need to step back and say, “Okay God, you take it from here.”
Or maybe our hands should’ve been open the whole time.

All I know is that God has been preparing my heart for this my entire life, and He’s been preparing the hearts of the people we’ll come into contact with this ministry for their entire lives. He’s planned this all from the beginning of time, and He’ll see it all through to completion.
I can have complete and total faith that it’s in His hands, and He’ll guide every step as we go.
Please be praying for us that we’ll have open eyes and ears to the wisdom He wants to give us in all the decisions we make in our personal lives and in the creation of Finding Hope.

So, prayer would be lovely, but like I said, I would really love to hear y’all’s opinions on all of this! Sorry as always for my ramble-y thoughts and the jumbled way it all comes out.

Got any verses that talk about any of this? Anything the Lord’s putting on your heart to share?
Please comment or send me an e-mail at

Thanks for taking the time to read and spend a few minutes in the mind of an over-thinking, recovering people-pleaser who is Haille Krieg.

Much love!!


Subscribe to Haille’s NEW Honduras e-mail updates

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes

Where is the Love?


I have been pondering some things lately…stirrings of my heart that need responding to.

I think I’ve really been trying to figure out what my vision for missions in my personal life is these past couple years. I know what I believe and I know what I want to do, but what do I see my role being in bringing the Kingdom to earth?

As I’ve thought about this and started explaining my heart for Central America and this culture, things have started to come together.
Explaining my new adventures and where I’ll be headed as soon as the funding is all set has lead to me being able to verbally process what I really feel in my heart.
And let me preface this with saying that I have talked a lot about, and could continue to keep talking about the joys and beauty and wonderfulness of where I live, but today I want to explain a little bit of the struggles I see here as well.

Here in Central America, most people are religious. A lot had gone to church when they were little. Catholicism is very strong here. From what I’ve seen, the majority believe that there is some sort of God – that there’s someone up in the sky, ruling and watching.
But that’s where any sort of relationship with Him stops.

The legalism in the churches here is insane. Someone catches you slipping up and “sinning” (going against rules they’ve made), you’re done. You’re out of that church and you’ve lost your salvation.

If the church is supposed to represent Christ, and we’re supposed to be His hands and feet in this world, what example is that of His love and gentleness with us? How is that representing His unending grace and mercy for us?

So all that being the case here, especially in these small villages, there is a huge lack of encouragement, support, and unconditional love.
I cannot profess to know everything about God and tell you exactly what His nature is, but I know He is love. I know there is no end to the grace He has for those who want to follow Him and be His people. I know He doesn’t cast us away when we fall short of His perfection.
I know this because I’ve experienced it.

So why is there such a lack of understanding about this aspect of God? A really important aspect!

I have grown up in a church and family that have always loved and supported me unconditionally.
I know my parents would do absolutely anything for me, and that they want to bless me in so many ways even without me asking.
I have been able to understand a loving God because I have had tangible examples of that love in my life.
I have experienced just a small portion of it here on earth, but it helps in the way I view Him and think of Him.

So what if nobody in your life has ever loved you unconditionally?
What if even your family was not a safe place to go to?
What if everybody in your life was constantly judging you, waiting for you to slip up and then gossip about it, looking at your past and not believing in your future, measuring themselves up against you in morality?

How can you believe that there is someone who will never condemn you?

This, I feel, is one of the main struggles of Central America.

Now let me say too that not all families are like this here, and the amount of love I’ve received is incredible.
But even in those places where I’ve been loved, those people are not showing that same love to their own family members.
It makes me feel awkward, and I try to fix it.
However, that has lead to much disappointment as I realize I’m not here to “fix” anything, and honestly I really can’t.

How can you believe in an unconditionally loving God, when no one in your life has ever exemplified that?

For years, the Lord has been speaking to me about how I have the ability to show His love to people. That I carry that part of Him inside my heart.
I’m only just finding out how to really use that and for what specifically.

I believe my calling in missions work to Central America is to show an unconditional love to those who have none.
To encourage, support, and pour life into those who need it desperately.

I want to be a physical representation of Christ to women who are expected to do a million things a day for their families and then are not shown any gratefulness.
I pray my relationships with them will be a place where they can feel rested and encouraged and know I love them as they are.

I want to love and nurture children from the earliest age possible so that deeply ingrained in them would be a knowledge and faith of a God who cares about everything and everyone.
I pray that they would just know there is no other way of living other than living under the love of the Lord.

There is a need for that here, and I’m so deeply blessed to be able to be a part of the Jesus’ restoration of Central America.

My prayer as always is to be wholly and completely wherever I am, and then leave places and not leave any remembrance of Haille’s love behind.

Please, Abba, permeate my work and my life with who You are so that who I am is a representation of Your desire to be in relationship with each beautiful human being you’ve created.

Romans 10:14 (The Voice)
“How can people invoke His name when they do not believe? How can they believe in Him when they have not heard? How can they hear if there is no one proclaiming Him?”

Subscribe to Haille’s NEW Honduras e-mail updates

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes

Praying for a RELEASE of the Spirit

I’m so frustrated.

No one likes being misunderstood.

Everyone would like for people to think the same as them.

If you believe in something so very much, isn’t it hard when no one GETS it like you do?

I feel like that of my relationship with Jesus pretty often.

All I can seem to do is praise my Savior and rejoice in the glory of who He is.

I trust in no one as much as I do in Him.

I love no one as much as I do Him.

I fear in nothing for I have Him.

My life is a constant joy because of His grace.

I am bonded to Him, attached, inseparable.

I want SO MUCH to impart this great love to the youth we’re working with in worship.

But if their hearts aren’t open, I am just speaking empty words.

I KNOW my words aren’t enough, I KNOW nothing I can do will make a difference if I’m not giving it to the Lord to take care of.

It’s hard to believe that there’s nothing else I can do, but I really need to relinquish control on this one.

I’ve been frustrated lately with our teachings and practices and discipleship times with the youth.

We are spending so much time – and I don’t believe it’s wasted, it’s just discouraging when nothing happens – and not seeing a change in spiritual lives.

For Sunday night when we’re singing in service, I see a glimmer of something more wanting to come out. There’s a vulnerability that’s almost shown and a pouring out of the Spirit that’s being held back for fear of embarrassment.

I’m over it. I’m so tired of the enemy having a hold on the powerful worship warriors I know I have in my care.

I’m just searching my mind now, wracking my brains to figure out what Jesus wants me to do to light this fire underneath them.

I need your prayers for a release of the Holy Spirit into the hearts of 3 youth in particular that I have so much hope in.


And all this being said, I can still see an incredible change and improvement in the worship program since the beginning of Brandon and I working intensively with it. God has been working, slowly but surely, and He’s challenging us to challenge the youth now.

I am proud of how their voices have been strengthened, their prayers have had more passion, and they’ve sung from their souls more and more each week. But we’ve hit a plateau and we’re needing the Lord’s freedom from it.

I pray my life can be example of the Lord’s power and love.

That’s all I want.

That’s all I’ll ever want.

He lives in me and that’s the reason I’m alive!



Allan David, a 4 year old who is in my Sunday School class, I take to Preschool 2 days a week, and whose family is very dear to my heart has been having some medical issues.
He fell about 3 months ago, hurt his leg, and never got it professionally checked out.
I went with him and his aunt on Thursday to go get X-rays and see what we could do because he is running/walking awkwardly and still has pain.
After a long, confusing day in and out of doctor’s offices and hospitals, we finally got the X-ray we were expecting and dreading….his upper leg has something very strange in the bone marrow area.
The clinic doctor thought it looked like he had fractured his leg when he fell and it healed wrong. She made us an appointment with an Orthopedic doctor to see what his thoughts were for next steps.

This morning/afternoon (July 1st) I went to the Hospital in Ingenio with Allan David to see the Orthopedic Doctor and ask what he thought about the X-ray we had gotten taken of his leg.
As soon as the doctor saw the X-ray, he let us know it isn’t a fracture that had healed wrong…it’s a tumor.
We’re hoping to see a specialist as soon as possible as see how soon we can have it operated on. At this point we don’t know if it’s cancerous or not, but the doctor did tell me he thought it had been there for over a year. It doesn’t look too great. I’m just so glad he fell so that we could find this. If he hadn’t had an accident, this never would’ve been found.

Until we can check into this further, we are going to be praying ceaselessly.
Please pray for Allan and his family. They are distraught and worried for him since he is so small as it is. He is their love and joy.
I’m still just trying to process everything. I am trusting in the Lord but this is hard on my heart. Allan is so dear to me and I love him more than I can say.

Subscribe to Haille’s Nicaragua e-mail updates

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes.

Santa Matilde…the village of HOPE


I never get over how adorable this picture is. I mean, COME ON.

This is my girl Gleysi. She lives in a little village called Santa Matilde.

I love her with all my heart. I wonder a lot of time how she’s going to grow up – what that experience is going to be like for her.

She has two parents…at the moment. She’s surrounded by a loving family…for the time being. She is healthy and growing…this week.

Santa Matilde is a pretty unstable community…the constant issues of alcoholism, drug use, domestic violence, hunger, infections, illness are all factors that can be and currently are bringing its people down, keeping them from joyful freedom by poisoning the atmosphere with discouragement, depression, and the deeply rooted belief that there is nothing else. This is your life, you’ve made it this way, there are no second chances.

But it is beautiful. You walk in and see the sun shining through the mango trees, beautiful views of fields and fields of new life, growing and soaking up the sky. Then you meet the people and you can see the many similarities between the nature and the people…every part of Santa Matilde is crying out to be lifted up, always higher!

Jesus has been speaking to me a lot about Santa Matilde. He tells me they are reaching for something more, they are open to hear His truth, they are desperate for another chance at life. Let me tell you about a woman I met there, we’ll call her Maria:

Maria was a typical Nicaraguan woman who has a couple kids, a husband who works long hours, and she takes care of the house, cooks, and cleans all day. She was also a very typical Nicaraguan woman in that her husband physically and mentally abused her. I won’t go into details because that is her past – it’s her story but it’s not her life now. And I want you to remember the person she has become, not be affected by who she was. Maria told me that her house was full of fear and anger, it was not a happy place to be. She started going to Bible studies led by some American women (Whitney and Maritza from New Song) and learned about a Savior that loved her and wanted the best for her life. He was a place of peace and comfort for her troubled soul, a place to rest her weary head and heart. Maria knew that God would take care of her if she chose to trust him. So one night after her husband brutally beat her, she ran away with her children across the country to San Juan del Sur where her mother lived. I can’t even tell you how huge that is in this culture. She took a stand for herself and acted in confidence and FAITH. God was faithful right back to her. After a few weeks, maybe more like a couple months, Maria decided to return home after her husband refused to stop begging for her to come back. Can you even imagine how frightening that would be? Not to mention she had her children to take protect. But she felt it was the right time. After much prayer and thinking, they made the day-long journey home to be reunited. Maria’s husband found her changed. She had a strength and beauty he had never seen before, or maybe just hadn’t take the time to notice. She was a woman of the Lord, and found her dignity and loveliness in his truth and protection.
This story has a happy ending. Maria started bringing her entire family (husband included) to church and he has accepted Christ into his life. They are involved with church and are striving to be a joyful, Christ-centered family.

But not all these stories have happy endings. Most of them are in the beginning stages, not even sure where to go next. I don’t see myself as a leader in their community but I see us growing together – helping each other and building each other up in love and encouragement.
I am excited by the hope I feel there. It’s the same feeling I had when I first came to New Song and saw the work they were doing – the feeling that “Big things are going to happen here…I have to be a part of this!”.

I am WAY excited to be going once a week to start visiting more families and building relationships with them. I long to be family, to pour love out and see it grow into something beautiful with my people. I want to see Gleysi grow up in a community that cherishes their children and give them hope to become something incredible, something unbelievable.

My heart is in a little village that doesn’t seem like much, but is filled with the hope of becoming a piece of heaven on earth.

Join me in prayer for the spiritual warfare, for the discouragement, for the people broken in spirit. Pray for hope and freedom and joy! For deliverance from the normalities of their culture.


A little reminder, I am in the States until May 20th and I would love to meet up and discuss all of this more in depth and get connected in any new ways that are available. Read how you can help me out in more ways than just donating HERE.

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes.

Hey I’m Back in the States!


Hey Friends!

I can’t believe 5 months has gone by so fast…
And I’m now in the States for a month!

It’s been a little crazy since getting back but certainly not as emotional as my last time returning. I have a ticket purchased to go back on May 20th and I’m realizing where my real home is.
It doesn’t really feel like home in the states anymore. I am LOVING seeing my family and friends and spending time with them, but it feels like a visit more than anything else.
I am already homesick for Nicaragua and am having little moments where it’s killing me not to know what’s going on.
This is great though, and it is a HUGE blessing to be able to talk in person about what’s going on in Nicaragua in my life and the lives of the sweet people I work with. Nobody tells you how hard fund-raising is when you’re actually out on the field!

So that brings me to my next point, the reason for writing this blog:
I have GOT to do some networking for fund-raising while I’m home.

At this point, I have $410 committed per month for a year.

I have made the decision to live indefinitely in Nicaragua, working with New Song Mission Nicaragua and I am looking for supporters who are willing to make a commitment to partner with me in that financially. Ideally, I would like to be supported $700 a month. This will be covering my food, filtered water, electricity, safe sleeping arrangements, days off, medical care, dentist, transportation, and miscellaneous ministry expenses.


  • Make a monthly donation! The total cost of $700 could be covered by:
    10 people donating $70 a month, 20 people donating $35 a month, 50 people donating $14 a month
  • Make a one-time donation!
    1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

    2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

    3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

    All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes.

  • Have me come speak about my mission/country/ministry for your:
    Youth Group
  • Download my music at NoiseTrade and TIP ME!
  • I sing and play music!
    I would love to have the opportunity to play a concert or set somewhere!
    I sing in English AND Spanish!
    Here’s an example of the worship I do for our staff every Saturday
  • Promote my blog by re-posting to your FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. 
  • Spread the word by mouth! 
    I am more than happy to meet with people and discuss more in detail what everything I’m doing is and how the Lord is moving, working, and growing in Nicaragua. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and put up with my pleas for support.
It’s not my favorite thing to do at all, but it is necessary.
All your love and support and encouragement is helping me tremendously and giving me so much hope that I can accomplish the dreams God has put in my heart.

Please, please, please contact me if you would like to meet and have a little chat or would like to set up me to speak somewhere.
You can e-mail me at

God Bless you with all the love He’s put in my heart!

Waiting For Isaac


“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.”

Genesis 21:1-2

How sweet are the fulfilled promises of our loving Father. Our Father who is GOOD and loves to give GOOD things to His children.

How bittersweet is the waiting.

The incredible experience of hearing from God and knowing a little more of His plans for you is juxtaposed with the aching emptiness of knowing what you want and needing to have patience for the right timing.

Abraham was a man of faith. But even He had doubts and wanted to take control for a little bit. So he had Ishmael with Hagar, His wife Sarah’s servant. God had promised him a son in his old age, but it was a pretty unbelievable thing, and so he made sure that he had security. God was still faithful in His promise, still gave Abraham his son, but he did end up with a little bit of a mess, having another son.

I was reminded of this story by my dear friend Brandon as I spent a night struggling with impatience of waiting.


He remembers His children and His promises are true.

I am going to try and be intentional this month about keeping my mind set in waiting for Isaac, instead of settling for Ishmael.


In other news, I am heading home April 21st to spend a month visiting my family, friends, and church. I am so excited to be able to take a period of time to rest and rejuvenate. My mind is in need of peace and a chance to be reminded of the Lord’s promises. I’m impatient right now to start doing exactly what I want with children, but this is something that I need to be waiting for. It will hopefully be a pretty big commitment and I’m realizing that takes a lot of time to plan.

For now, I am really excited with the things the Lord has put in front of me for the present time. I am now the littlest kids Sunday School teacher and I am absolutely ADORING it. I’ve gotten more involved with Sunday School, going to all the meetings and trying to be a part of the very special team of youth that almost completely run Sunday mornings. They are all winners and make me so happy. I am so proud to be in their lives and see the differences and big changes they are making in the lives of kids in their community.

In addition to that, I’ve talked with the director of the Preschool here in Candelaria and have gotten permission to come and help out whenever I really have free time. It sure is nice having the freedom of being a white person in a foreign country 🙂
So, this week is going to be the start of me going 3 days a week to the local Preschool and helping out in the afternoons for a few hours. I’m really excited to get to know more of the young families in my community and start loving on their sweet babies.


Part of my dear sweet Santa Matilde family: Griselda and her baby, my god-baby Glaysi. I adore my time with them, loving and being loved.

Stay tuned for a photo update from my month of March! Thank you for your prayers and keeping me and my community in your thoughts!

Thank you for your continued support of the journey God’s put me on! If you would like to see pictures, feel free to add me on FaceBook. They upload faster on there. If you feel led to make a donation, there are a few ways you can go about that:

1. Write a check and send to Life Church. Make check out to Life Church, put Haille Krieg in the memo line, and send to 7001 Haggerty Rd, Canton MI 48187

2. Send money electronically through Life Church’s PayPal account. You can find that here: Make sure you specify that it’s for Haille Krieg.

3. Set up an Elexio account to have an amount taken out of your bank account each month. Log into Elexio Pulse and click on the “My Giving” link to the far right, you’ll see not only your history in giving, you’ll see a large link in the upper left that says “click here to Give Online”.  If you don’t have an Elexio account you will go to the above link and click on “need an account?” and follow the prompts.

All donations are tax deductible, which is one of the reasons for me going through my church. Life Church does send out donation statements for your tax purposes.